
Peru Fitness Holidays - best running holidays in South America

Why it's ok to have a Christmas cheat meal - Peru Fitness Holidays

It's ok to cheat at Christmas!

December 23, 2016 1 Comment

It's ok to cheat at Christmas!

Just to clarify, we are only talking about your diet and training!


For many of us, we have worked hard all year to stick to a healthy diet and exercise regime and there is no harder time of year to maintain this than at christmas. With chocolate everywhere you look, christmas cake and pudding always being offered and generally lots of alcohol many of us crash and burn. 

I have been back in the UK for two weeks and I have already put on 3kg!! It isn't even christmas yet!! 

However I am not too worried and here is why.


It is Christmas! I only get to see my family once a year if I am lucky and so I want to enjoy my time with them rather than worrying that I have gone over my calorie count for the day. I have had Christmases when I have been in training mode and my Dad's jokes are nowhere near as funny when sober! 

Self Control

You don't need to eat every chocolate that you see! Though I may not be the best one to say this but gluttony and cheating are different things. There is nothing wrong with having an extra piece of Christmas cake and some chocolates whilst watching a film with the family. Though I wouldn't recommend eating a packet of mince pies in the spate of five minutes! Enjoying yourself and the food is different to eating until you feel sick! (I have been known to go running on christmas day at 8pm to try and burn some of the guilt off!).



Many of us push our bodies to the limits during the year and so taking some time off from the punishing training is needed for our bodies to recover. If you have a race or wedding in the coming days then keep to your diet but for the rest of us it is a time to allow our bodies to recuperate and for us to start the New Year injury free and fresh.

Enjoy the workouts

I think that it is important not to completely stop exercising. Some of my favourite moments over the christmas period have been going for runs with my sister or running in the local ParkRun on Christmas Day. But, I'll leave the Garmin at home and just run for enjoyment and to make space for some afternoon treats! This will also keep my metabolism up and help to keep my body processing food at the same rate.

Review the year

It is a great time to take a step back and review how the year has gone for you. Have you achieved all that you set out to do? If not, can you identify what went wrong? Were you hoping to reach a certain weight, run a certain time or lift a certain amount and fell short?

Work out what you can do differently, if you were a runner and kept getting injured, do you need to work in some strength training to your weekly schedule, or if you didn't achieve your ideal weight, do you need to change your workout regime to make it more effective? 

Plan for the new year

Set short and long-term achievable goals that can keep you motivated. It is also worth seeking expert advice, whether it is a personal trainer or running coach to check that you are making the most out of your training. Also search for races or holidays or any other target that'll make sure you don't sway from your plan, well until the next christmas! 

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